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Within Operational Program Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness (OPPIK), MARKETING we implement the project: "Participation of MEDIWARE a.s. at trade fairs and exhibitions abroad ", project number: CZ.01.2.111/0.0/0.0/16_047/0009006.

The aim of the project is to strengthen the ability and marketing readiness to enter and stay on new markets outside the Czech Republic (territorially and in terms of product).

Project „MWPharmVet - Optimal dosing of medicines for veterinary medicine " REG. Č. CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/15_014/0001982“

The aim of the project is to expand the market segment for veterinarians and pharmacists with MWPharmVet - a tool for optimal pharmacotherapy of small and large animals and not only livestock.


Project „MWPHARM ONLINE" REG. Č. CZ.01.4.04/0.0/0.0/16_076/0009246“

The aim of the project is to develop the MwPharm Online - optimization system
for drug dosing. The software will allow migration of MwPharm to a cloud environment and
thus allows the work of doctors, pharmacologists and researchers from any device in internet browser.


Project 4.2 PT03/270 - Centre for development, testing and production of technological tools for personalized medicine

The project focused on development, testing and validation telecare services for monitoring of glycemia, blood pressure and ECG and also on services for patients affected by Alzheimer dementia.

Main aims of the project were validation and certification of selected telecare services. Telecare services for monitoring glycemia, ECG, BP, body weight and photography teleconsulting were certified as Medical Device Class I.

All services were practicaly validated on real patients or testers. For particular telecare services were drawn following conclusions:


ECG telemonitoring


Fourteen testers were involved in testing period. Testers measured blood pressure themselves at their home via InspectLife service.

Most of the patients are able to measure ECG by themselves and share the data with cardiologist for evaluation of heart activity.

Web app include a tool for distance measurement in ECG record.

Pokud bude testovaný přístroj v domácím prostředí používán ve 12-svodovém režimu, je předpoklad, že bude představovat ekvivalentní náhradu pro běžně používané 12-svodové EKG v ambulacích lékařů.

Služba byla dále testována pomocí „umělého pacienta“, generátoru EKG signálu jako simulátoru elektrické aktivity srdce.

Webová aplikace pomáhá u kvalitního záznamu EKG se stabilní izoelektrickou linií detekovat srdeční frekvenci a pravidelnou či nepravidelnou srdčení akci.


Blood pressure telemonitoring


17 testers measured blood pressure at home using InspectLife service. Almost all of them could measure and sent the data to server.

Testers sent the data every day to got enough records to blood pressure remote evaluation by physician.

The physician can find out easily from the graphic representation of the data that the patient suffers from high blood pressure or not or it is only temporary phenomenon.


Glycemia telemonitoring


15 patients were monitored in the project (diabetes mellitus type 1 – unstable/pregnant/using insulin pump). During 6 month each monitored patient sent up to 200 measurements.

The patients very appreciate remote supervision of the physician. Monitoring uncovered poor compensation of diabetes in many cases and led to a dosing adjustment.

Website of InspectLife Diabetes


Monitoring of patients affected by Alzheimer dementia


To the patients with beginning Alzheimer dementia our service provides localization, communication with surveillance center operators and detection of the exit of a safety zone.

Trained surveillance center operators confirm that it is possible to use these devices in this patient group. Simultaneously recommended to provide more reliability in patient localization, increase in device volume and carrying facilitation.

Device is developed by manufacturer continualy, so the imperfection will be solved soon. In general, the monitoring service is dependent on characteristics of the end device. Because of that, the server part of the monitoring service was developed to enable integration another devices.

Website of InspectLife Dohled


Photography teleconsuling


Nine patients, one nurse and one physician participate the project during the testing period.

The nurse was instructed how to make photographs at homes of patients and share this data with the physician to evaluation.

Web app provides to the physician a tool for early evaluation of the patient current health status via photography of lower limbs.

This service can provide more effectivity of health care.




MwPharm++ is an efficient TDM software primarily to establish proper dosing regimen based on population PK.

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MwPharm Online Calculator is ideal tool for initial dose adjustment based on patient physiology and approate package size selection.

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Health insurance

MwPharm Revision System enables better control, more effective treatment and cost savings.

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Research & university

Research or teaching on PKPD? Edsim++ is ideal tool for you.

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