MwPharm++/Edsim++ Release 1.9.0 - Description
- Added: Reference value (Vref) to XExponential covariate transform.
- Added: Exponential sign (Esig) to XExponential and XScaler (0=positive (default), 1=negative)
- Added: New maturation class (XMaturation) combining sigmoidal and exponential maturation driven by PNA or PMA
- Added: New units (1/month, 1/week and 1/day) to dynamic quantity AgeRate in XAgeSex class for use in XMaturation class
- Added: Pna variable to XPatient(Ex), which is identical to the Age variable (can be used with a different unit like days)
- Added: AgeRate quantity to list of quantities with corresponding units (1/year, 1/month, 1/week, 1/day).
- Added: "Monitor ODE error" option to QResponse. Allows disabling of ODE error monitoring in case this causes problems (def. ON).
- Added: "Assume steady state" option to QResponse. Allows initializing response to E0=Kin/Kout (else E0=0)
- Added: TWeibull2 and TGauss2 classes (in addition to TGamma2) for biphasic input profiles. A TAbsorption2 is not possible.
- Added: Option symbols can now also be hidden by a subclass
- Added: QInhibitor and QStimulator QSP objects derived from TSigmoid effect
- Added: Variable name array (Yvar) to the FitModel(Ex) class in order to keep track the source variable of an observation
- Added: XRenalFunc now updates the RF value in the connected TPatient object (XRenalFunc acts as a plugin for TPatient)
- Added: The TPolyMon object will now always report the total linear clearance (CL) and total non-linear elimination capacity (Vmax)
- Added: Increased the maximum allowed parameter name from 2 to 4 chars before displaying the parameter as an "X" button on the toolbar
- Added: Total elimination tool object TTotalCL for the calculation of the total elimination rate R and total clearance CL
- Added: TResponse has been removed from the library and has been replaced by QIn, QOut and QResponse
- Added: The list of options is completely refreshed when one option has been changed because options can affect each others visibility
- Added: QPulse and QPulse2 classes to library for modeling circadian rhythm (chronopharmacokinetics)
- Added: New quantities and units (Frequency, Force, Pressure, Energy, Power, Temperature)
- Added: In baseline mode only one TProduction may be connected to a compartment. Input rate R can now be modulated.
- Added: Use the font "striketrough" style on an observation to set the exclude flag of observations during the import of an Excel workbook
- Added: Use the font "striketrough" style on an event value to set the exclude flag of events during the import of an Excel workbook
- Added: Allow a TKinFit object to change the substance (and thus molecular weight)
- Updated: Extended TMonitor class. Monitored variable now limited to Min/Max limits and can also be used as a covariate now.
- Solved: Trim strings during import of Excel files in order to eliminate trailing/leading spaces or spaces-only strings
- Solved: XExponential rate unit k should be the reciprocal of the scaler unit and set as read-only
- Solved: PolExp and DosLib libraries should not generate (internal) exceptions in case of a null
- Solved: The TWeibull time factor parameter is not dimensionless. The unit should 'h' (hours)
- Solved: No patient box clearance reported in status screen in case of non-standard inputs (e.g. TGamma).
- Solved: Object reflection routine.
- Solved: XRenalFunc only works with observed creatinine levels. The current value in the absence of creatinine levels is ignored
- Solved: Cannot change the unit of a parameter with an assigned covariate because the quantity is reset to None
- Solved: MwPharm++/Edsim++ crashes in case two objects are given the same name
- Solved: Selecting an existing substance does not copy the molecular mass. Instead, the molecular mass is set to the current value.
- Solved: Importing an Excel file should never overwrite an existing model variable alias.
- Solved: Columns labeled with a variable alias name were ignored during the Import of an Excel file.
- Solved: Generic covariates are exported to 2 columns. One with the alias name (with data) and one with the full name (no data)
- Solved: Generic covariates should not be exported to the index sheet (only the data sheet)
- Solved: Event values using a non-standard unit are incorrectly interpreted during the import of Excel files
- Solved: Excluded lines (EX=1) should not contribute to history start date (HSD) determination during the import of Excel files
- Solved: Dose Min/Max boosting did not work well for single dosages, PO dosages and non-linear PK