MwPharm++/Edsim++ Release 1.9.8 - Description
- Solved: The performance issue with TGamma
- Solved: The performance issue with TGaussian
- Solved: The performance issue with TWeibull
- Added: TGamma input has a new option called Smod, which stands for “Smart Events Mode”
- Solved: Crash when pressing "_" (next dose date) in the presence of extra covariates
- Solved: Profile option in simulation screen not working in case of a date scale on the
- Solved: The [Exact] button generated an irregular regimen with an incorrect interval time (which
was not used because Ndos=1)
- Solved: Cannot select variables in TPolyExp object
- Solved: The population Pna and Pma were not updated in the Edsim++ GUI after changing
population age.
- Solved: Do not automatically exclude 0-observations in case of TIntVariables (including
TTabVariables). These are covariates
- Solved: Edsim++ ignored the gender when importing (patient merge) EDX files
- Solved: Gamma inputs cannot be fitted when Smart Events is on.
- Added: Added "Level" mode to TAbsorptionNL in order to change the bioavailability based on
the dose above that level (Dref/Plev)
- Added: Included "State" variable (XBinary) in the list of observable concentrations (Obs tab)
- Added: Active events are now stopped automatically after their contribution drops below a
preset level (e.g. TGamma)
- Added: Added confidence interval (CI) calculation to general purpose Moments class
- Added: When importing patients in Edsim++, plasma concentration observations (C01.C) will be
copied to a TPolyExp object PK (if present)
- Solved: The distribution type ("normal", "log-normal") of common parameters was always
reported as "normal"
- Solved: KinPop++ ignored the gender in the patient data source files when importing EDX files
(not XLS files). This affected the calculated creatinine clearance
- Added: Implemented bootstrap procedure
- Added: The computer is prevented from entering sleep mode during population or bootstrap